Что Такое Шорт Короткая Позиция В Трейдинге

23 de novembro de 2023

Но можно сказать, что они реалисты, стремящиеся увидеть рынок во всех его проявлениях, включая негативные аспекты. Они не боятся идти против течения, осознавая, что рынок не всегда является местом вечного роста. Если такой идеи у вас нет, то для получения дополнительных средств вы всегда можете использовать кредитное плечо. Допустим, вы считаете, что акции «Магнита» должны упасть. Скажем, сейчас они стоят 5000 ₽, а справедливой ценой вы считаете 2500 ₽, то есть в два раза меньше.

Инвесторы могут генерировать больше рыночного спроса и предложения за счет шорта акций или других финансовых активов, что повышает общую ликвидность. Это особенно полезно на рынках с низкой ликвидностью или глубиной. Шортовые позиции могут https://boriscooper.org/ способствовать снижению спредов и повышению ликвидности, предоставляя покупателям и продавцам дополнительные альтернативы на конкретном рынке. И наконец, некоторые трейдеры пользуются шортовыми продажами как способом спекуляции на рынке.

Что Такое Шорт: Как Трейдеры И Инвесторы Зарабатывают На Падении Акций

Это может вызвать резкий скачок цен, что приводит к потенциальным убыткам для коротких трейдеров, которые не могут вовремя покрыть свои позиции. В целом, шортовые продажи могут быть мощным инструментом для трейдеров, желающих заработать на медвежьих рынках или увеличить кредитное плечо, ограничив при этом риск падения. Теперь давайте рассмотрим, как открыть шортовую позицию. Как правило, при нейтральном рынке снижение котировок акций после дивидендной отсечки сопоставимо с размером дивидендных выплат за вычетом налога.

Тогда он во второй раз открыл пробные короткие позиции, но их тоже пришлось покрывать с убытком. И только в третий раз у него все получилось — шорты оказались прибыльными, хотя заработал Ливермор немного. После этого он стал шортить по-крупному, в то время как другие считали «игру на понижение» на «бычьем» рынке сумасшествием, отметил Смиттен. «Опыт научил его, что всегда лучше продавать пораньше на сильном рынке, особенно когда у него было существенное количество акций на продажу», — отметил Смиттен. И в начале лета 1929 года, когда «бычий» рынок еще был в разгаре, Ливермор наконец закрыл все свои длинные позиции, а также составил список акций, которые, по его мнению, были переоценены. Он заметил, что тренд на рынке меняется, но не был уверен, что тогда было самое время действовать.

Джесси Ливермор Заработал $100 Млн На Шортах Во Время Краха 1929 Года

В случае с шортом ваш убыток может быть каким угодно, ведь акции могут подорожать и со $100 до $1000, и вам придется купить их по этой цене, чтобы вернуть долг брокеру. Опытный инвестор, правильно предсказавший поведение ценных бумаг той или иной компании, может заработать на шортинге очень серьезные деньги. Хрестоматийный пример удачного шортинга – игра Джорджа Сороса против фунта стерлингов в 1992 году. Когда вы открываете длинную позицию (покупаете) валютную пару Forex,  вы фактически покупаете базовую валюту (первая валюта в паре) и продаете валюту котировки (вторая валюта в паре). Если вы покупаете EUR / USD, вы фактически покупаете евро и продаете доллар США.

«Это практика удержания двух позиций одновременно, чтобы компенсировать убытки от одной позиции прибылью от другой. С помощью хеджирования трейдеры с короткой позицией могут защититься от убытков по длинной», — рассказал старший персональный брокер по международным рынкам «БКС Мир инвестиций» Тимур Баянов. Кроме того, если у вас небольшой капитал, то при торговле в шорт вы можете занять бумаги у брокера. Таким образом, потенциальная прибыль может оказаться выше, чем если бы вы торговали только на свои средства.

Выбор для игрока на понижение ограничен самыми ликвидными ценными бумагами. Шортовые позиции могут регулироваться определенными нормами в зависимости от юрисдикции. В некоторых случаях органы власти, такие как Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам, могут запретить короткие продажи, чтобы предотвратить панику и иррациональные продажи. Это может привести к немедленному росту цен на акции, что повлечет за собой огромные убытки для коротких продавцов, которые должны быстро ликвидировать свои позиции. Здесь мы более подробно рассмотрим преимущества шортинга. Брокер может закрыть короткую позицию по акциям до отсечки именно для того, чтобы избавить себя от дополнительных денежных транзакций и объяснений с клиентами», — отметила Беляева.

Какие Риски У Короткой Позиции

Трейдер видит, что стоимость одной акции Сбербанка достигла 270 рублей, и считает, что цена скоро пойдёт вниз. Он берёт у брокера взаймы десять акций и продаёт их, получая на счёт 2700 рублей. Когда цена акции падает до one hundred forty рублей за штуку, покупает десять ценных бумаг и возвращает их брокеру. Еще одно преимущество шортинга заключается в том, что он помогает трейдерам лучше использовать свой капитал. Шортисты могут открывать позиции с меньшими затратами и имеют возможность получить большую прибыль, когда цена снижается, поскольку им не требуется приобретать активы по текущей цене.

Однако брать в долг у брокера — не бесплатно, так же как и при любом другом кредите. Брокер будет брать с вас проценты, причем начисляться они будут ежедневно, пока открыта короткая позиция. Обычно в течение первого торгового дня проценты с вас не возьмут, если вы за это время закроете позицию. Он начал предупреждать своих инвесторов об огромных рисках для системы, но те не хотели его слушать.

Во-вторых, шорт стратегия требует более сложного анализа и понимания рынка. Трейдер должен не только определить, что актив переоценен. Но и правильно оценить момент, когда его стоимость начнет снижаться.

  • Теперь можно сказать, что вы являетесь владельцем «длинной» акцией компании N и «короткой» акции доллара США.
  • Это создает привлекательную возможность для шорт трейдеров заработать, продавая акции, которые им не принадлежат, и надеясь выкупить их по более низкой цене, забирая разницу в качестве прибыли.
  • Открытие длинной или короткой позиции зависит от того, считает ли трейдер, что валюта будет расти или обесцениваться (снижаться) по отношению к другой валюте.
  • Прибыль образуется, когда актив удается откупить обратно дешевле, чем он был продан.
  • Проходит отсечка по дивидендам, и первоначальный владелец акций совершенно спокойно ожидает поступления дивидендов на свой счет от брокера.

Если вы его еще не прошли, у нас есть статья, как к нему подготовиться. Вскоре у Бьюрри появилась новая идея, когда он начал анализировать рынок субстандартного кредитования и ценные бумаги, обеспеченные ипотекой. Лидеры рынка — акции, которые вели рынок вверх — уже не достигали новых высот и снижались. Ливермора обвинили в этом крахе, ему стали поступать письма, телеграммы и звонки с угрозами. Чтобы закрыть короткую позицию, нужно купить то же количество бумаг, что вы продавали.

Чтобы открыть короткую позицию, инвестор занимает у брокера акции под залог денег, в надежде, что ценные бумаги именно этой компании переоценены, и их стоимость в ближайшее время упадет. Теперь можно сказать, что вы являетесь владельцем «длинной» акцией компании N и «короткой» акции доллара США. Для открытия короткой позиции трейдеры сначала занимают активы у брокера и сразу же продают их на рынке. Затем они надеются выкупить эти активы обратно по более низкой цене и вернуть их, получая разницу между ценой продажи и покупки. Прибыль образуется, когда актив удается откупить обратно дешевле, чем он был продан. На Форексе все по-другому, потому что, независимо от того, совершаете ли вы шорт или лонг сделки в трейдинге, у вас всегда лонг позиция по одной валюте и шорт по другой.

шорт позиция в трейдинге

Брокер — посредник, который передаёт ваши поручения бирже. Брокером может быть, например, банк, в котором у вас открыт брокерский счёт. Лонг предполагает, что сумма возможных убытков ограничена. Даже если компания обанкротится, вы потеряете 20 тысяч рублей — лонг и шорт позиции не больше. Эта философия требует от инвестора не только профессиональных навыков анализа, но и особого, критического мышления, умения видеть то, что не видят другие. И готовности брать на себя ответственность за работу против рынка, против развития.

Когда вы продаете акции, купленные ранее (а не занятые), то вы закрываете долгую позицию. Перед тем, как выбрать компанию, акции которой можно «шортить», грамотный инвестор досконально изучает ее историю, финансовую отчетность и находит ключевые риски, которые угрожают компании. Так что в этом случае брокер просто спишет всю сумму дивидендов с вашего счета и перечислит их первоначальному владельцу. А кроме того, он спишет с вас налог 13%, который так бы платила компания.

Когда приходит время закрывать позицию, инвестор должен выкупить такое же количество акций, чтобы вернуть их кредитору. Если все прошло по плану, трейдер может заработать большую сумму на успешной шорт-продаже. Следующим шагом инвестор размещает ордер на “продажу” своих вновь заимствованных ценных бумаг по любой текущей рыночной ставке.

Этот вид торговли особенно популярен среди опытных инвесторов и опытных трейдеров, знакомых со стратегиями шортинга. Допустим, они выросли в цене до $2 тыс, тогда ваша прибыль — $1 тыс. Но представим, что параллельно вы решили открыть короткую позицию по той же бумаге на ту же сумму и поставили заявку стоп-лосс на отметке $1,5 тыс. То есть если акции вырастут до $1,5 тыс., то брокер их продаст по этой цене и позиция закроется.

шорт позиция в трейдинге

Секрет в том, что вы можете продать акции, которых у вас еще нет. Отдельные токены, реализуемые  ЗАО «Дзеньги», могут иметь ценность лишь при использовании информационной системы  ЗАО «Дзеньги» и (или) услуг  ЗАО «Дзеньги». У вас уже есть все инструменты, чтобы прочитать финансовую отчетность компании, посчитать ее мультипликаторы и разумно подойти к ее оценке.

Publicado em Форекс обучение

Secretaria Municipal de Saúde promove “Novembro Azul” em Cumã e Gepuba.

22 de novembro de 2023

Novembro Azul é o mês mundial de combate ao câncer de próstata. Fortalecendo esse tema, a secretaria municipal de Saúde (SEMUSS) intensifica ações para conscientizar a população sobre os cuidados indispensáveis que os homens devem ter com a saúde.

Além da palestra educativa sobre saúde bucal e saúde do homem, o público masculino de Cumã participou dos momentos de lazer com jogos interativos, lanche e entrega de brindes. A equipe de coordenação de Igualdade de Gênero da secretaria municipal de Assistência Social e Desenvolvimento Comunitário (SASDECOM) esteve presente, ressaltando as ações da Campanha “21 Dias de Ativismo”.

A população masculina de Gepuba também foi contemplada pela SEMUSS com palestras sobre saúde bucal, saúde do homem e realização de testes rápidos.

O trabalho de enfermeiros, técnicos de enfermagem, agentes de saúde e educador físico foi fundamental para o sucesso das atividades, bem como o interesse e participação da comunidade. As ações seguem até o dia 28 de novembro, nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde, com destaque para o dia 23, quando ocorrerá a “blitz educativa”, na Rampa dos Pescadores.

Prefeitura de Guimarães

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Publicado em Saúde


22 de novembro de 2023

Acompanhado de secretários municipais e vereadores, o prefeito Osvaldo Gomes marcou presença na aula inaugural do projeto “Formando e Cozinhando”, realizado ontem, 21 de novembro, no Teatro Guarapiranga, no centro de Guimarães. 

O projeto visa fortalecer o turismo gastronômico na região e conta com a participação de 25 alunos em Guimarães. Na aula inaugural, a turma aprendeu a preparar uma receita com ingredientes próprios da região, aprimorando suas habilidades culinárias na produção de pratos como tempurá de pescado, chibé de farinha d’água, biscoito amanteigado, geleia de buriti e a autêntica Guarapiranga Geladinha, um drinque autoral específico da nossa cidade que encantou os presentes. O curso “Formando e Cozinhando” combina teoria, prática e expertise de chefs de cozinha, gastrólogos e nutricionistas locais e nacionais com renome no cenário gastronômico.

A solenidade de inauguração contou com a participação do secretário de Estado e Desenvolvimento (SEDES), Paulo Casé, além da coordenadora estadual do projeto, Ana Gabriela, e dos chefs de cozinha Mayara Fonseca, Felipe Marques, Leandro Bournet e Warwick Trinta.

O curso, fruto da parceria entre a prefeitura de Guimarães, por meio da Secretaria de Assistência Social e Desenvolvimento Comunitário e a Sala do Empreendedor, promete contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento profissional e promoção da rica culinária local.

“É com grande satisfação que participo da inauguração do projeto “Formando e Cozinhando” em Guimarães. Essa iniciativa é um passo importante para fortalecer nosso turismo gastronômico e valorizar a rica culinária local. Parabéns aos 25 alunos que embarcaram nessa jornada de aprendizado. Estou certo de que esse projeto contribuirá significativamente para o desenvolvimento profissional de nossos talentosos chefs em formação. Que essas habilidades culinárias se transformem em pratos deliciosos que destacarão a singularidade de Guimarães. Sucesso a todos!”, destaca o prefeito Osvaldo Gomes. 

“É uma honra estar aqui em Guimarães para mais uma aula-show do projeto “Formando e Cozinhando”, inaugurando uma nova turma. Famílias inscritas no Cadastro Único estão sendo beneficiadas com essa oportunidade. Através dessa capacitação, terão autonomia para empreender com confiança e receber os turistas da Floresta dos Guarás e de todo o Maranhão”, afirmou o secretário de Estado do Desenvolvimento Social (SEDES), Paulo Casé.

Prefeitura de Guimarães

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Publicado em Interesse Público

Guimarães sediou encontro do programa “Territórios Empreendedores” com foco em Desenvolvimento Regional

17 de novembro de 2023

O mais recente encontro do programa “Territórios Empreendedores” aconteceu no município em Guimarães, no Palácio dos Pescadores, dia 13 de novembro de 2023. O programa é uma iniciativa do SEBRAE voltada para o desenvolvimento econômico regional sustentável, com ênfase nos pequenos negócios. Em parceria com a prefeitura de Guimarães, o tema escolhido para esse seminário foi “Conexões e Oportunidades”, reunindo representantes do SEBRAE e participantes de 11 municípios do Litoral Ocidental.

Com o propósito de abordar os temas mais cruciais e decisivos para o desenvolvimento sustentável da região, o seminário resultou em conquistas significativas para o Litoral Ocidental Maranhense, garantindo estrutura para a elaboração de planos estratégicos e adequados às especificidades regionais.

Dentre os participantes, destacaram-se o prefeito Osvaldo Gomes, secretários municipais, o secretário municipal de Turismo Antônio Marcos, empresários do setor privado, o secretário adjunto de Turismo do Estado do Maranhão Ruan Tavares, o superintendente da Agricultura e Pecuária do Ministério da Agricultura Wellington Reis e líderes regionais. Para garantir um futuro próspero na região, o fortalecimento da marca “Litoral Ocidental” e a chegada de investimentos em infraestrutura e turismo, a colaboração e realização de encontros como “Territórios Empreendedores” são fundamentais.

Prefeitura de Guimarães

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Publicado em Interesse Público

Shareholders Equity Formula + Calculator

17 de novembro de 2023

how to find stockholder equity

An alternative calculation of company equity is the value of share capital and retained earnings less the value of treasury shares. Retained earnings are a company’s net income from operations and other business activities retained by the company as additional equity capital. They represent returns on total stockholders’ equity reinvested back into the company.

Stockholders’ Equity: A Key Indicator of Company’s Value

Excluding these transactions, the major source of change in a company’s equity is retained earnings, which are a component of comprehensive income. Corporations like to set a low par value because it represents their “legal capital”, which must remain invested in the company and cannot be distributed to shareholders. Another reason for setting a low par value is that when a company issues shares, it cannot sell them to investors at less than par value. If the same assumptions are applied for the next year, the end-of-period shareholders equity balance in 2022 comes out to $700,000. Note that the treasury stock line item is negative as a “contra-equity” account, meaning it carries a debit balance and reduces the net amount of equity held. From the beginning balance, we’ll add the net income of $40,000 for the current period, and then subtract the $2,500 in dividends distributed to common shareholders.

Treasury Shares

Paid-in capital is the money that a company receives when investors buy shares of its stock. Retained earnings are the part of a company’s profits that it keeps for reinvestment after dividends and other distributions are paid to investors. Shareholder equity is the difference between a firm’s total assets and total liabilities. This equation is known as a balance sheet equation because all of the relevant information can be gleaned from the balance sheet. The number of shares issued and outstanding is a more relevant measure than shareholder equity for certain purposes, such as dividends and earnings per share (EPS). This measure excludes Treasury shares, which are stock shares owned by the company itself.

  1. Microsoft purchased Nuance Communications in 2022 for $19.7 billion, acquiring their conversational AI and cloud-based clinical intelligence services for healthcare providers.
  2. Starting off, we’ll determine the average shareholders’ equity balance for our historical periods.
  3. Buybacks, for example, can push stockholders’ equity into negative territory in the short term but benefit the company financially in the long run.
  4. Company or shareholders’ equity often provides analysts and investors with a general idea of the company’s financial health and well-being.

Treasury Stock Calculation Example

how to find stockholder equity

Understanding stockholders’ equity and how it’s calculated can help you to make more informed decisions as an investor. While it’s not an absolute predictor of how a stock might perform, it can be a good indicator of how well a company is doing. Before making any investment, you’ll want to perform the proper analysis or find an advisor who can help you make those decisions. Retained earnings can increase over time, potentially surpassing the amount of paid-in capital.

Is Stockholders’ Equity Equal to Cash on Hand?

He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on Fool.com, top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation. Once all liabilities are taken care of in the hypothetical liquidation, the residual value, or “book value of equity,” represents the remaining proceeds that could be distributed among shareholders. Working with an adviser may come with potential downsides such as payment of fees (which will reduce returns).

It’s possible for retained earnings to represent the largest share of owner equity if growth substantially outpaces the amount of capital paid in. Aside from stock (common, preferred, and treasury) components, the SE statement includes retained earnings, unrealized gains and losses, and contributed (additional paid-up) capital. If a company’s shareholder equity remains negative, it is considered to be balance sheet insolvency. https://www.online-accounting.net/process-of-accounts-payable/ Current assets include cash and anything that can be converted to cash within a year, such as accounts receivable and inventory. Current assets are those that can be converted to cash within a year, such as accounts receivable and inventory. Long-term assets are those that cannot be converted to cash or consumed within a year, such as real estate properties, manufacturing plants, equipment, and intangible items like patents.

Short-term debts generally fall into the current liabilities category, as these are things that a company is most likely to pay in the near future. In the final section of our modeling exercise, we’ll determine our company’s shareholders equity balance for fiscal years ending in 2021 and 2022. Since repurchased shares can no longer trade in the markets, treasury stock must be deducted from shareholders’ equity.

Stockholders’ equity represents the remaining funds that belong to a company’s owners after deducting all debts and obligations. It represents the company’s net worth from the perspective of its shareholders. This article addresses the question of what is stockholders’ equity and discusses its role and impact. Stockholders’ equity is the value of a company directly attributable to shareholders based on in-paid capital bookkeeping terms from stock purchases or the company’s retained earnings on that equity. While it’s an important financial metric on its own, incorporating the stockholders’ equity into financial ratios, such as return on equity, provides a more detailed picture of how a company is managing its equity. Retained earnings are part of the stockholders’ equity equation because they reflect profits earned and held onto by the company.

how to find stockholder equity

Dividend recapitalization—if a company’s shareholders’ equity remains negative and continues to trend downward, it is a sign that the company could soon face insolvency. Shareholders Equity is the difference between a company’s assets and liabilities, and represents the remaining value if all assets were liquidated and outstanding debt obligations were settled. The capital turnover ratio is a method to understand a company’s operating efficiency, including analyze the upside in terms of its growth potential. Sales represent the “top line” of the income statement line, while inventory is found in the current assets section of the balance sheet. Every company has an equity position based on the difference between the value of its assets and its liabilities. A company’s share price is often considered to be a representation of a firm’s equity position.

Treasury shares can always be reissued back to stockholders for purchase when companies need to raise more capital. If a company doesn’t wish to hang on to the shares for future financing, it can choose to retire the shares. Microsoft purchased Nuance Communications in 2022 for $19.7 billion, acquiring their conversational AI and cloud-based clinical intelligence services for https://www.online-accounting.net/ healthcare providers. Microsoft paid $56 per share in an all-cash transaction, partly because of Nuance’s strong balance sheet with a stockholders’ equity of $1.6 billion as of Sept. 30, 2021. Microsoft anticipated that the acquisition would boost its earnings per share by 2024. The term book value of the stock is sometimes used interchangeably with stockholders’ equity.

If a company reports a loss of net income for the quarter, it will reduce stockholders’ equity. While newer companies rely on the initial paid-in capital to fund operations and growth initiatives, the accumulated retained earnings of more established companies can be the largest source of stockholders’ equity. Retained earnings represent the cumulative amount of a company’s net income that has been held by the company as equity capital and recorded as stockholders’ equity. Some net income may have been distributed outside the corporation via payment of dividends. Essentially, retained earnings represent the amount of company profits, net of dividends, that have been reinvested back into the company.

There are no guarantees that working with an adviser will yield positive returns. The existence of a fiduciary duty does not prevent the rise of potential conflicts of interest. Successful investors look well beyond today’s stock price or this year’s price movement when they consider whether to buy or sell. Transactions that involve stockholders are primarily the distribution of dividends and the sale or repurchase of the company’s stock.

The stockholders’ equity account is by no means a guaranteed residual value for shareholders if a company liquidated itself. On the other hand, if a company is significantly overextended with loans and other debts that’s a sign that it may be in trouble. Negative stockholders’ equity in that situation may be further compounded by negative cash flow. Whether negative stockholder’s equity is indicative of a larger problem usually requires taking a closer look at the company’s financials. Buybacks, for example, can push stockholders’ equity into negative territory in the short term but benefit the company financially in the long run.

Publicado em Bookkeeping

Онлайн казино Выплата Реальный cryptoboss casino вход доход

16 de novembro de 2023

Онлайн-игры на реальные деньги, предоставляющие участникам возможность зарабатывать реальные деньги. Тем не менее, надежные азартные игры следует считать поводом для беспокойства. Имея в виду начальные депозиты, ставки и ограничения на начало часа или около того и инициируя игровую осознанность.

Действующее игорное заведение онлайн может получить более высокую границу оплаты, абсолютно никаких комиссий за покупку и инициировать быстрый в разработке метод оплаты, такой как PayPal. (mais…)

Publicado em Sem categoria

Sucesso na abertura do Campeonato Municipal de Futsal “Taça das Estrelas” 2023/2024

15 de novembro de 2023

A Secretaria Municipal de Juventude, Esporte, Lazer e Cidadania (SEJELC) deu o pontapé inicial na tão aguardada 2ª. edição do Campeonato Municipal de Futsal “Taça das Estrelas”, nas categorias masculino e feminino. A cerimônia de abertura foi marcada pela euforia dos presentes no Ginásio Rubens Teixeira Goulart. Participaram o prefeito Osvaldo Gomes, o secretário de Esporte Luzinei Maia e sua equipe, além de demais secretários municipais e uma animada torcida apaixonada pelo esporte local.

A emoção tomou conta do público com dois jogos eletrizantes. A primeira disputa envolveu os times Só dá Eles e Bela Vista”, seguida pelo confronto entre Unidos da Vila (Damásio) e Atlético Guimarães, encerrando as partidas da noite. Os grandes vencedores da noite foram os times Bela Vista e Atlético Guimarães, que se destacaram nas partidas, sinalizando uma competição acirrada e cheia de reviravoltas.

O sucesso da abertura elevou as expectativas para um campeonato memorável e confirmou a relevância do esporte na comunidade local.

“O Campeonato Taça das Estrelas, em sua segunda edição, pretende promover e auxiliar o futsal no município como expressão de cultura e rendimento, enfatizando a inclusão social traduzida como um fator de desenvolvimento e transformação humano. Além disso, busca proporcionar a integração e o incentivo à prática esportiva entre nossos munícipes. O campeonato envolve 17 equipes, sendo 5 do naipe feminino e 12 do naipe masculino; os jogos serão realizados todas as quartas e sextas, a partir das 19h. O campeonato vai até o dia 19 de janeiro” destaca o secretário de Esporte, Luzinei Maia. 

Prefeitura de Guimarães

Eu amo, eu cuido!

Publicado em Esportes

The 17 best customer service software for 2024

15 de novembro de 2023

Zendesk: AI-Powered Customer Service Software

customer service system

But if you’re a business owner, keeping your end of the bargain requires more and more resources and dedication. And at the very top of it all, you need a reliable customer service system to run all these communications effectively. Chupi, a small jewelry business based in Ireland, achieved international reach by leveraging social media to connect with customers beyond its local region. One mistake companies make is implementing changes in response to customer feedback without following up on the results. Reach out to the customer to see if you improved the process or completely resolved the issue.

Consistently communicating the service vision to employees is the first step in creating a system that is focused on the customer experience. LiveAgent is not just a fully-featured help desk software, it’s use cases go far beyond that. Take advantage of LiveAgent’s communication capabilities and improve your sales. Intercom offers three different subscription plans — conversational marketing, conversational engagement, and conversational support. The paid version of the software has more functions and has custom pricing, so you will need to contact sales for an exact quote.

A touchpoint is a point of communication between the customer and the company. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. If utilized properly, a deep bond can be formed between the customer and the company. Documenting each step will help you in assigning the right resources at each step.

Best help desk software of 2024 – TechRadar

Best help desk software of 2024.

Posted: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Imagine a virtual town square where customers can ask questions, share experiences, and help each other. This software empowers customers to learn from each other and find user-generated solutions. Features often include discussion boards, topic categories, user profiles, and moderation tools. The software offers automation features like AI-powered responses, prewritten responses for FAQs, and templates to handle repetitive inquiries.

PipeDrive offers its users a fully functional mobile app and integrates with almost 300 third-party applications. The LiveAgent integration enables LiveAgent users to create and edit new and existing PipeDrive deals directly inside the LiveAgent ticket info panel. Slack is praised for its ease of use, customization options, and rich integrations. The messaging platform has quickly won the hearts of big and small businesses because it’s one of the best free collaboration tools on the market.

Streamlined communication

It’s ideal for creating to-do lists, projects, reminders, and tracking goals. In addition, ClickUp is an excellent single platform alternative to Slack or project management tools like Asana as it also offers real-time chat, comments, and tags. The Slack notification is sent from a bot and provides a direct link to the ticket in question.

Phone support and contact center software is a more modern approach to handling those phone-based interactions. You can certainly deliver great customer support without using specialist software, and many online businesses start out with nothing more than a free email account. customer service system Soon though, growing companies tend to run into some limitations and rough edges. Sending out mass communication over the phone can be time consuming and costly, but it’s sometimes necessary. Text-Em-All is one of the best in the business for automated phone communication.

AI Summarize helps users condense email threads into bullet points, while AI Assist suggests generated text while agents are typing out replies. AI Assist can also improve the content, change the tone, and translate it into other languages. Additionally, businesses can create a knowledge base to house FAQs, instructions, and troubleshooting guides. If readers can’t find what they’re looking for, they can submit a support ticket from within the knowledge base. Advanced reporting and analytics help you determine how to operate more efficiently and identify changing customer needs so you can adapt quickly. Plus, with enterprise-class security features, you can ensure your customers’ data stays safe.

What is the customer service management process (CSMP)?

The good news is that there is customer service software to fit any budget. If you’re looking for software that can help scale your service team, take a look at the next section for a list of free tools that you can use. Support teams can also run the most advanced analytics to track team performance and create workflow automation to optimize internal processes. Use these customer service email templates along with customer support software to speed up your email workflows, save time, and increase efficiency at scale. Customer service software that enables omnichannel support lets you meet the customer on their preferred channel for fast and convenient support, resulting in a better CX.

A seamless connection with your existing tools ensures a smoother workflow and enhances overall efficiency. Consider the initial cost and any hidden fees, add-ons, or potential future expenses. Look for a tool that aligns with your financial comfort zone without compromising functionality. Maybe customer service software for small business is more suitable for you, maybe not. Alrighty, let’s dive deeper into the intricate world of customer service software. This isn’t just about picking a tool; it’s about finding the one that’ll be your support sidekick.

Customer service software is the backbone of successful service operations. With 76 percent of customers expecting personalized service, generic one-size-fits-all support doesn’t cut it. You need tools that make communication seamless and agents effective if you want to keep customers satisfied.

When paired with good customer service training, customer service software enables quicker, more reliable, and more personalized responses to customer inquiries. This helps small businesses set themselves apart with superior customer service. While different customer support software may offer different tools, there are several core features most customer service (CS) software solutions provide. The customer service platform from Salesforce provides agents with an omnichannel workspace for customer support. Agents can view each ticket’s relevant context within their workspace, including customer contact details, prior interactions, and purchase history. The Swarming feature lets teams collaborate on cases by adding agents with specific skills to a dedicated Slack channel.

It’s important to realize that every business has different needs and wants to accomplish different goals. For example, while one company may be content with simple chat software, others may need a complex solution that supports multichannel communication with customer. Having a system like this allows any business or organization to improve their customer communication processes as it eliminates device and account monitoring by keeping all messages in one Chat PG place. As a result, it saves time and enhances productivity and response times which contribute to greater customer satisfaction. Customer service software is generally used for customer support purposes; however, it can also be used by sales, accounting, IT, or marketing teams within one organization. Apart from being useful for traditional businesses, the system can also benefit non-profit organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions.

Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent. Customer service software selection of the most used platforms on the market. Google Analytics is easy to get up and running, and above all, free to use. It tracks all the necessary metrics, including the number of visitors on your site, average page views per session, session duration, and much more. However, analytics users state that the app is quite complex and does have a learning curve.

Eight ways to provide excellent customer service.

Uniform processes and directives prevent conflict between departments and lead to consistent service. Effective customer service management (CSM) can improve customer loyalty and employee retention. Book a personalized demo to see how our easy-to-use omnichannel solution, enhanced with generative AI, can help you elevate your customer service. Talkdesk also enables omnichannel engagement with Talkdesk Digital Engagement, an all-in-one digital customer engagement solution that includes email, SMS, and live chat.

customer service system

Effective agent scheduling can help optimize operations and improve the customer and employee experience. Annette Franz, CCXP, founder and CEO of CX Journey Inc, explains how and why improving the Employee Experience also improves your customer experience. Reverb is an online musical instruments store that helps musicians learn what gear they need to replicate the industry’s most iconic sounds. Its customer engagement department makes up about one-quarter of the company, but even with that labor force, it’s struggled to stay ahead of customer needs. So far, CX Moments has explored team topics like transitioning to remote workforces and educating customers and employees about race, allyship, and solidarity.

We have a full article on how to pick the right help desk tool — despite the title, it’s a handy guide for how to approach most customer service software decisions. Organizational features in customer service software cover both tools for manually arranging things and tools for taking action automatically. Salesforce is best known as a sales CRM tool, but they also offer Service Cloud, a customer support platform.

customer service system

Your employees’ attitude and the way they work say a lot about your investment in handling the customer care area. Provide your agents with a steady dose of fresh and up-to-date knowledge through training programs, conferences, or online courses. When your new product or service comes on the market, thoroughly introduce it to your representatives to equip them with the necessary know-how. Every customer interaction, such as the customer message or a completed contact form, can be recorded as a unique and manageable ticket that flows into the ticketing system. Now, let’s imagine having 100 unresolved tickets per day on your dashboard — this brings us to the customer service management process. So give your agents the tools they need to support customers as efficiently as possible.

Plus, Podium has easy-to-use handoff features that make case transfer seamless for both agents and customers. BoxyCharm uses social media messaging to gain an omnichannel view of its customers within its broader customer service system. Doing this has helped the team improve their response time and ensure all private social media tickets get resolved. Help Scout’s customer care software consolidates customer data, interactions, and customer history into a shared inbox, giving agents the appropriate context with each request. Its inbox also offers features like private notes for internal collaboration and collision detection to prevent two agents from working on the same issue simultaneously.

Similar to some other tools on this list, live chat software can be a stand-alone product, but it can also be included as part of a help desk’s larger suite of tools. Zoho Desk also boasts a strong selection of integrations to connect with the rest of your tech stack. For larger teams, there are team management features you can take advantage of, like time tracking. They even offer AI options for self-service, though that feature is also limited to the highest-cost plan.

Moreover, check out the vendor’s self-service options, and if you want to go a step further, try contacting them on live chat or email to see how long it takes them to respond to your query. By testing their responsiveness first hand, you’ll have a pretty good idea of how their service will be like once you’re a paying customer. Before you choose or even research customer service software, you need to understand your goals and requirements. Think about what you want to accomplish with the software and consider your budget as well.

These kits provide prebuilt code and resources that simplify adding things like in-app chat, ticketing systems, or knowledge base access directly within a company’s app. Customer tracking software and reporting tools let you measure and analyze customer history, behavior, and customer service metrics. This data is essential because it tracks how many requests you receive, how many tickets are open, when agents manage those tickets, and how satisfied the customer is with the experience. Most service desks with customer tracking and reporting tools will also auto-generate graph reports for simple viewing and analysis.

Google Analytics is a platform that tracks website and advertising traffic. Users can easily create reports and investigate spikes or dips in clicks, visits, and views. It’s an excellent tool for gaining insights about your target audience and improving advertising ROI, content, as well as your products. Monday.com’s users love how it keeps their work organized and how easy it is to delegate to others.

Zoho Desk’s strength lies in its ability to centralize customer support activities, thus promoting efficiency and a seamless customer service experience. With its robust ticketing system, Zoho Desk ensures that every customer query is appropriately tracked and addressed, improving customer satisfaction rates. Your support tools should offer the ability to manage communications through all of the channels that are widely used by your customers. Customer service software is a dynamic set of tools businesses use to manage and streamline customer interactions. Your customer service software system intends to collect, sort, respond to, and monitor all customer queries and requests.

For instance, employee goals should focus on the quality of the product as well as the efficiency of the delivery process. This should include explicit customer objectives for both internal (other departments) or external (paying) customers. The reality is customers don’t really care why the food order was fulfilled incorrectly.

  • AI can identify and label incoming tickets based on conversation priority, intent, sentiment, and language—as well as agent capacity, status, and skill—so they get routed to the right place.
  • Its inbox also offers features like private notes for internal collaboration and collision detection to prevent two agents from working on the same issue simultaneously.
  • However, finding the right software is challenging as most providers offer similar features and promise to help you accomplish the same goals.
  • The company can attach new processes and components in the system or replace old components with better and new updated versions, faster and quicker in delivering results.
  • Customers can join community forums to ask questions and share their experiences.

The platform also offers a shared inbox, ensuring all customer inquiries are centralized in one place for efficient handling. Intercom’s product tours feature allows businesses to create interactive, step-by-step guides for their products or services, enhancing customer engagement and user experience. One of Zoho Desk’s standout features is its context-aware functionality, which gives customer support agents a full view of previous interactions, purchases, and preferences for each customer. This feature enables agents to provide personalized service and make informed decisions. Furthermore, its powerful analytics and reporting capabilities allow businesses to track performance metrics and derive actionable insights, contributing to data-driven decision-making. If you’re an enterprise company that provides a lot of customer care over social media channels, then Sprout Social could be a good choice.

Its users compliment how easy it is to create and modify surveys and their automatic deployment. Criticisms include not being able to add additional contacts to live surveys and a lacking survey cloning feature. LiveAgent customer service platform offers three different monthly subscriptions and https://chat.openai.com/ a completely free version of the software. Asking hard questions like these is extremely important as software limitations can affect your work and your customer’s satisfaction with your service. Research whether the software you’re opting for offers free, year-round, multilingual, 24/7 service.

The Freshworks customer service product, Freshdesk, provides a platform for support teams to manage, prioritize, and respond to customer requests from a single location. The platform allows teams to provide omnichannel support and manage customer requests from a single location. Additional customizations include creating prewritten responses and configuring wait time rules. LiveChat is an excellent customer service platform that offers advanced live chat features. The chat widgets are clean and modern and are one of the best at showcasing eCommerce products beautifully.

Aircall’s platform is a perfect fit for businesses engaging frequently with customers over the phone. This solution has advanced AI features like call summaries and phrase detection, enabling the identification of trends in customer queries. Analytics provide a detailed breakdown, offering valuable insights to teams. This data-driven approach can help teams pinpoint areas of improvement, ensuring a more effective and seamless customer experience. Hiver is an attractive customer service management solution for teams that prefer the familiarity of Gmail. Specifically designed for Google Workspace users, Hiver seamlessly integrates into Gmail so agents can efficiently manage support channels within the Gmail panel.

This gives you basic access to 1 shared inbox, 5,000 email templates, calling SDK, mobile inbox, conversation routing, and several other features. Furthermore, Salesforce’s detailed analytics and reporting features give businesses valuable insights into their customer service performance, helping them make data-driven decisions. Optimizing your customer service is crucial whether you’re a small business owner or a large enterprise.

Collaboration features allow multiple people to effectively work together on the incoming support volume, from frontline support folks to subject experts and business operations folks. The primary way it can help with customer success is through personalization. With the data you’ve collected, you might be able to better anticipate needs and curate a specific experience for each customer based on where they’re at in their customer journey. Messaging tools are a broad category referring to software that allow you to do some sort of proactive support. That could come in the form of chatbot software, proactive messaging software, or some combination of the two.

Customers can join community forums to ask questions and share their experiences. Just note that Salesforce can be complex and may take users longer to learn. The platform generates tickets through Messenger and other communication channels, such as email, and sends them to a shared inbox. Messenger can provide live support through chat or offer self-service options for customers to find answers at their own pace. Set realistic customer service Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) typical for your industry, business model, and team capabilities. KPIs and other customer support metrics should be created in a SMART way and should motivate rather than intimidate employees.

Customer Service Closed for Good Friday – Charlotte Area Transit System – charlottenc.gov

Customer Service Closed for Good Friday – Charlotte Area Transit System.

Posted: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 20:26:30 GMT [source]

When customers find answers to their common questions independently, they won’t have a reason to contact you or to wait around for a response from your staff. The private notes feature represents a collaboration between teams features. The system provides pop-up warnings to prevent agent collision when multiple agents attempt to respond to the same ticket.

Every employee should feel responsible and empowered to help a customer as they go through the service experience. It doesn’t matter how well-trained a salesperson is if the product getting to the customer is delayed by an inadequate fulfillment or delivery process. The process results in a great experience – which should result in return customers.

Agents can beat new records, receive badges, and level up, increasing productivity and promoting healthy competition amongst teams and individuals. It’s important to note that not every business needs to have a presence on every platform. However, most consumers expect most companies, organizations, and educational institutions to have an active Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page that they can turn to for customer support.

Creating rich audience profiles can help you tailor marketing, sales, success, support, and other customer-facing activities to ensure a superior brand experience. I’ve already defined customer service responsibilities, which should then be delegated to more specialized first and second line support staff. As a support manager, you need to be aware of the differences between the first and second support lines. You can create as many lines as you want in your organization, but each successive line should be more specialized and technically oriented.

Once a sale has been made, customers will have product-related issues that will need solving. This customer service system component is used to issue tickets to customers who contact the help desk or customer service desk for their queries. Once a customer service system has been built and integrated into business operations, it becomes important to closely monitor its activity. Every relevant process and human involvement should be given tasks and objectives specific to their role in the process. This will enable the company to check customer service KPIs to assess and monitor the system’s success rate. Long term experience can be created with small improvements on a timely basis.

Better customer service management, and delighted customers at every stage of the journey. If you’re seeking to automate communication across multiple channels simultaneously, Chatfuel is the ideal solution. This chatbot-building software integrates cutting-edge AI technology to automate interactions across traditional channels like WhatsApp, live chat, and various messaging platforms. You can create chatbots tailored to your needs, ensuring a seamless customer experience. Despite this, its wealth of features makes Zendesk a robust choice for businesses seeking a comprehensive customer service solution.

customer service system

While they get free access to the internet, you just gained contact details from a customer, which can be utilized later. This touchpoint will also help you bridge the gap between your digital and real-world touchpoints and thus create a seamless brand experience. Zendesk Support is a strong contender with a user-friendly ticketing system, AI bots, and rich social integrations, including WhatsApp. Although pricier, it does offer most of the core functionalities of LiveAgent. Zendesk offers five service plans, three foundational support plans, and three sales subscription tiers. LiveChat users praise its functionality, message previews, chatbot, and analytics.

Make sure you shop around, compare features and read reviews before deciding on a helpdesk software. If you are looking to provide B2B support, sometimes even a free customer service platform will suffice. Customer service systems enable efficient tracking of response times and customer feedback, fostering continuous improvement. As your business expands, managing support requests across agents and departments becomes complex, necessitating ticket systems. Buffer is a social media management platform that allows businesses to schedule and analyze social media posts across various platforms.

Find the best software for your business, choose from customizable solutions, and benefit from automation, integrations, and analytics. Improve customer satisfaction, increase productivity, and boost your bottom line with the right customer service software. In addition to its centralized communication hub, HelpCrunch offers various features to enhance the customer service experience. Benefit from robust analytics to gain insights into customer interactions, allowing you to refine your strategies and continually elevate your support quality. Customizable automation features streamline routine tasks, enabling your team to focus on more complex customer needs.

Zoho Desk is an omnichannel and context-aware help desk that helps businesses increase productivity of agents and customer happiness. Front is a customer communication platform that is built specifically for businesses that offer support only via email. Front also brings together conversations from SMS, live chat, and Facebook into an email-like UI. So Front can also serve as an omnichannel shared inbox that businesses can use to create better relationships across channels. Zendesk is an omnichannel customer service solution that you can customize and build at your convenience.

Thus, Zendesk’s potent combination of functionality, versatility, and user-friendly design rightfully places it at the forefront of customer service software solutions. Service Hub is a well-rounded customer service software that consolidates a variety of tools into one consolidated platform. It offers help desk software to support your agents and an advanced ticketing system that lets your team track long-term service inquiries. Recently, an onboarding specialist told me about one HubSpotter who recently purchased customer service software for their business. Both of us being former support agents, my colleague and I were amazed that this company only had one person responsible for fielding service inquiries. Before adopting customer service tools, this lone rep was stuck using a traditional email inbox to manage dozens of cases each day.

Acquiring new customers is generally more expensive than retaining existing ones, so reducing customer churn can help to reduce overall costs. In the past, people chose which companies they did business with based on price, or the product or service offered, but today the overall experience is often the driver. Once you have a solid foundation of skilled employees, you can rest easy that your customer service system will be effective in dealing with customers.

For instance, if an agent communicated with a customer on Instagram, they would lose context if the same customer later contacted them via email. Chupi needed a platform to consolidate customer data from all channels and connect conversations. It’s no secret that customer service has far-reaching effects on the customer journey. It’s important to emphasize customer service management so everyone in the organization is aligned on the same goals.

You can visit its support page for the full list of languages Freshdesk supports. Some tools focus more on one use case over another, but there are also some capable of doing both well. If someone shared their plan to make clothes that fit everyone the same, you might think twice before giving them your money. Because we all look different and like our clothes to fit in our own way, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t really work.

Publicado em Artificial intelligence

SEMED Promove Conferência Intermunicipal da Educação para Fortalecer Políticas Educacionais

14 de novembro de 2023

No dia 13 de novembro, a Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMED) realizou a Conferência Intermunicipal da Educação online, abordando o tema central “Plano Nacional de Educação (2024-2034): Política de Estado para a Garantia da Educação como Direito Humano, com Justiça Social e Desenvolvimento Socioambiental Sustentável”.

Entre os objetivos específicos da Conferência, destaca-se a análise e apresentação de emendas pertinentes aos eixos do Documento Referência da Conferência Nacional Extraordinária de Educação (CONAE) 2024.  Isso inclui a consideração de problemas educacionais, regionais e locais, bem como a indicação de proposições e estratégias para a elaboração do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) 2024-2034.

A participação da população foi ativa, incluindo delegados de diversos segmentos do município, representantes da SEMED, pais, Educação Básica, Fórum Municipal de Educação, alunos, gestores escolares, profissionais da educação pública estadual e representantes do conselho da educação. Essa diversidade de participantes evidencia o comprometimento de diferentes setores com a construção de políticas educacionais sólidas e inclusivas.

Prefeitura de Guimarães

Eu amo, eu cuido!

Publicado em Educação

Наслаждайтесь игровыми автоматами amazon’s diamonds онлайн с официальной позицией игровых автоматов

14 de novembro de 2023

Ставки онлайн в России теперь любимое занятие. Сайт amazon’s diamonds работает сейчас на течении пятнадцати недолгих лет, собственно что объясняется об триумфе. Вы можете найти отличные программы, перечисленные в этом пригороде, и принять их во внимание, не нарушая при этом правовые нормы и даже не ставя под угрозу истории кредиторов.

Вот вам и федеральное правительство Испании. (mais…)

Publicado em Sem categoria


Sejam bem-vindos ao perfil de Guimarães!

Aqui você ficará por dentro dos destaques da nossa cultura, turismo, administração, educação, saúde, assistência social, infraestrutura e muito mais. Orgulhamo-nos de ser uma terra com 266 anos de história. Temos também uma riqueza cultural gigantesca, belezas naturais incomparáveis e, principalmente, um povo aguerrido e hospitaleiro.

Atualmente, nossa cidade está sob a administração do prefeito Osvaldo Gomes, um gestor incansável que tem buscado cada vez mais desenvolvimento para sua gente.

Prefeitura de Guimarães, eu amo, eu cuido!

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