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Если вы новичок в ставках в онлайн-казино, бесплатные видеопокерные автоматы — отличный способ начать. Ниже приведены онлайн-игры, которые предоставят вам приятное, убедительное чувство без возможности потери реальных денег.
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Ontem, 24 de outubro, a secretaria municipal de Assistência Social e Desenvolvimento Comunitário, por meio das coordenações PSB/CRAS/SCFV, realizou o Chá Literário com idosas. O evento foi marcado por recitação de vários poemas e poesias, além de versos musicais ao vivo. Neste encontro especial, os servidores prestaram uma singela homenagem à poetisa Regiana Tavares, que além de ser uma usuária com deficiência (PCD), já publicou dois livros notáveis: “Desvelos de uma Especial” (2015) e “À Beira-Mar. Canto!” (2022).
O evento contou com a presença da Diretora da Proteção Social Básica e Assistente Social, Simone Cunha, junto com sua equipe do CRAS, do SCFV e do PCF. A Diretora da Proteção Social Especial e Assistente Social, Ligiane Cantanhede, também participou, acompanhada por parte da equipe do CREAS. Além disso, as Coordenadoras do CDC, Marinalva Lopes, e da CGCAIPD, Augusta Nogueira, estiveram presentes, juntamente com a Secretária Olivia Gonçalves e o Secretário Chefe de Governo, José Benedito Martins.
A secretaria municipal de Esporte, Juventude, Lazer e Cidadania, em colaboração com a SEMED, esteve na Escola Municipal Artur Raimundo Farias, em Genipaúba, onde promoveu uma série de atividades, incluindo a capoterapia e jogos lúdicos.

A secretaria municipal de Educação também participou ativamente, realizando uma oficina de incentivo à leitura e contação de histórias para os alunos, na Biblioteca Municipal.

Não deixando de lado a dimensão cultural, a Assessoria de Comunicação realizou uma oficina de cinema na Unidade Mais Integral Mateus Avelar, localizada em Prata, com o objetivo foi despertar o interesse dos alunos pela sétima arte e na produção de vídeos.

Prefeitura de Guimarães
Eu amo, eu cuido!
Publicado em Educação, Interesse Público
Abertura Oficial da Semana Municipal da Literatura em Homenagem aos 200 Anos de Antônio Gonçalves Dias

Estamos no meio das comemorações da Semana da Literatura, que este ano homenageia os 200 anos de nascimento do renomado poeta Antônio Gonçalves Dias. O principal objetivo da Semana Literária é incentivar a leitura, a escrita e vivenciar emoções, além de estimular o gosto dos alunos pela produção literária.
A abertura oficial do evento foi marcada por uma roda de conversa com o escritor Eduardo de Assis Duarte, que contou com a presença do escritor e juiz Agenor Gomes, de Anita Machado, do prefeito Osvaldo Gomes, do presidente do IHCG (Instituto Histórico Cultural e Geográfico) Tony Avelar e o senhor Aldenir Guimarães, além de alunos, gestores e profissionais da área educacional.

Outro momento importante foi o descerramento da placa na casa onde Maria Firmina dos Reis escreveu o famoso romance “Úrsula”, um marco na literatura brasileira. Essa iniciativa ressalta a importância de Maria Firmina e sua contribuição para a literatura nacional.
A Semana Literária continua com uma série de atividades ao longo da semana, uma oportunidade especial para os amantes da literatura se encontrarem e celebrarem essa arte tão nobre e enriquecedora.

Na abertura oficial da Semana da Literatura, o prefeito Osvaldo Gomes expressou sua profunda gratidão por fazer parte desta celebração que honra o bicentenário do renomado poeta Antônio Gonçalves Dias. Ele enfatizou a importância de promover a leitura, a escrita e vivenciar as emoções proporcionadas pela literatura. O prefeito ressaltou que a Semana Literária é uma oportunidade valiosa para estimular o gosto dos alunos pela produção literária e fortalecer o apreço pela cultura local. Além disso, ele destacou o evento como um encontro de amantes da literatura, gestores, profissionais da educação e escritores locais, fortalecendo assim a importância da arte literária na comunidade.

Prefeitura de Guimarães
Eu amo, eu cuido!
Publicado em Educação
Интернет-казино Онлайн-слоты Бесплатно и начните без проверки зубных казино вулкан Лев протезов
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В отличие от азартных игр на реальные деньги, казино в Интернете Слоты полностью бесплатные и инициируются без теста блюда не связаны с вашим или требуют первоначального взноса. (mais…)
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A Secretaria Municipal de Educação realizou no dia 20 de outubro um emocionante chá literário em homenagem a Célia Anchieta Guerreiro. A cerimônia contou com a presença do prefeito Osvaldo Gomes e membros da família Guerreiro, que representaram a matriarca (in memoriam).
Célia Guerreiro, que deixou uma notável contribuição para a educação vimaranense, foi o foco da celebração. Além disso, o evento marcou o início da Semana Literária 2023 e comemorou os dois anos de revitalização do Farol do Saber.

O filho e desembargador, Guerreiro Junior, expressou sua emoção: “Estou muito emocionado com esse chá literário em homenagem à minha mãe, Célia Guerreiro. Ela dedicou tanto de sua vida à educação vimaranense, e ver esse reconhecimento é realmente especial. A Semana Literária e a revitalização do Farol do Saber são projetos que também tocam o coração dela. Tenho certeza de que ela estaria orgulhosa desse evento e do que sua contribuição significou para nossa comunidade.”
Prefeitura de Guimarães
Eu amo, eu cuido!
Publicado em Educação

A Prefeitura de Guimarães, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e em parceria com as Secretarias Municipais de Cultura e Turismo, organizou, no dia 21 de outubro, um evento especial com os idosos para celebrar o Dia da Pessoa Idosa. A ação contou com a participação das Coordenações de Proteção Social Básica e Proteção Social Especial, bem como do Núcleo da Comunidade Indígena de Genipaúba, no projeto “Eu Amo Eu Cuido”.

Foi um dia de passeio com visitação aos principais pontos turísticos de Guimarães, encerrando com uma confraternização em um ambiente cercado pela natureza. As usuárias, que fazem parte do SCFV (Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos), se divertiram com dinâmicas, danças e outras atividades. O prefeito Osvaldo Gomes fez questão de estar presente nesse momento, ao lado da coordenadora do núcleo, Juciléia Diniz. A maioria das idosas era da sede e da comunidade indígena de Genipaúba.
Essa ação é realizada todos os anos pelo Creas, no Teatro Guarapiranga, mas neste ano, elas foram levadas para um local externo, ao ar livre, mais precisamente no IHGG (Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Guimarães), na estátua de Santo São José, Trapiche, Igreja Católica, estátua de Maria Firmina na Praça Luís Domingues e no rio da vereadora Crisbelle, em Gepuba.
Publicado em Assistência Social
How a Logistics Company Can Deliver an Customer Service
What is Customer Service in Logistics
Whether the question is regarding an existing order or a new business inquiry, your customers are looking for answers. Your number one priority in terms of customer service should be communication. Customers are looking for simple and smooth experiences, and that’s where customer service enters the picture in e-commerce logistics. It is the list of activities aimed at enhancing the core service’s value that customers need while offering them a higher satisfaction. Thus, motivating logistics customer service employees strengthens customer service by providing sufficient reasons to spread the word about the company and remain loyal. The expense of getting a new client, referred to as the CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), is not a trivial expense.
It involves the coordination and shipment of goods from one place to another on behalf of shippers. Freight forwarders act as intermediaries between the shipper and transportation service providers. They are responsible for easing the complexity of dealing with various carriers and understanding myriad shipping regulations. Adjusting to change may be difficult, but automating mundane and repetitive customer service in logistics tasks that have troubled your workforce for a long time will quickly pay off the investment. The best thing about this technology is that custom automation may solve even the most unusual challenges logistics companies face. But the best way to ensure your company realizes its full potential is to work with the right people who believe in your business and understand how it works.
7. Costs versus service
Minimal touch point helps to instill confidence in the client and build a personalized customer relationship. Learning and training can be customized according to the needs of the logistics department. Services of trained team members who can deliver any training wherever possible, or specialist training providers where needed, can be engaged for the purpose of providing training. Suppose you’re one of those who values excellent cargo handling, a respectful response, assistance, and a positive work experience.
However, it is feasible to always improve and deliver the best services possible. And, it’s up to the company or business owners to enhance the customer experience through competent and worthwhile logistics customer service. High-quality customer service is a crucial part of a successful business, but it’s particularly important in the logistics industry. Companies build better reputations by offering a great customer experience, which differentiates product offerings, ensures client loyalty, and increases sales. In this guide, readers will learn about the importance of customer service in logistics and how to improve it. Logistics Worldwide is one of the most progressive transportation management companies in the business.
Consolidated communication
The package arrives on December 27, and looks like it was dropped from the truck on the way. In this situation, your transportation costs expectations were met but your expected service quality was not met. Therefore, it is crucial for logistics companies to focus not only on acquiring new clients but also on retaining existing ones. A key driver for long-term customer retention is excellent customer service. By delivering consistent, reliable, and personalized support, logistics companies can foster loyalty, reduce customer churn, and create lasting partnerships that benefit both parties. In a competitive logistics industry, companies are constantly vying for clients’ attention.
Finally, it is crucial to create a process for handling customer complaints. Customers should feel like their concerns are being heard and that they are being treated fairly. Another factor in the overall customer service level is the amount of variability present in each service provided.
Hence, they will be able to promptly reply to customers the second a problem is relayed to them. In contrast, a human person would have to make the customer wait until they could find the answer. Reverse logistics is another major area where the logistics industry has had help from automated customer services. However, just like the path from logistics to customer service is protected at both ends by Artificial Intelligence, it also forfeits the returning path of customer service to reverse logistics. This way, when the company is looking to launch something new or to introduce changes within their current products, they don’t have to blindly experiment with different schemas.
If they fail to do so, customers may have second thoughts and may not trust them as they would like to. The lack of proper customer service on delivery can result in negative reviews on social media platforms which can hurt the reputation of a business. Corporate customer service is the sum of all these elements because customers react to the overall experience. 60% of clients quit working with a brand after just one poor client assistance experience. 67% of this agitate can be averted if the client’s concern is settled to satisfaction, during the first communication itself.
A 3PL with excellent customer service means your products will make it to your customers on time, every time, because of people who will go above and beyond to advocate for your business, every step of the way. There’s no denying that artificial intelligence can help improve customer service in the logistics industry. As a result, we see more and more companies in the industry implement these technologies. One of the biggest examples is the use of automated chat robots on company websites.
As mentioned, most buyers want order tracking, and a robust service strategy guarantees this through real-time status updates at every stage of shipping.. It lets you build trust among your clientele, laying the groundwork for consistent, ongoing support.. ” In terms of ongoing and long term clients, ensuring they have access to minimum number of contact points possible, helps to avert confusion.
If they want their items right away, you can choose the fastest route and most efficient shipping partner for a higher price. If they wish to cut down on their costs, you can provide them with a more economical alternative. Your flexibility can improve customer service in logistics because the people you do business with are always looking for an option that best suits their needs.
Before doing anything, business need to be more informed about the situation and underlying causes. They can connect with the employees and customers involved to identify the problems. In short, there are several ways to fix a bad customer service situation but arguably the best way is to prevent them from happening altogether. Make sure the businesses have the right customer support infrastructure and consistently improve their customer experiences. According to LaLonde and Zinszer, there are three elements to customer service. Ideally, all terms of customer service policy are identified prior to shipment of goods that establishes an expected level of customer service in the transaction.
Customized services show a freight broker’s willingness to adapt to the unique needs of different customers. Timely deliveries showcase a freight forwarder’s commitment to maintaining schedules and honoring deadlines. If you put safety measures on the back burner, you expose yourself to hundreds of cyber threats. Today, you simply must have robust cybersecurity in place to protect your business, shipments, and customer data from malicious actors and incidents. Tech companies know that the modern software development process never truly ends. There is always something to improve or a new functionality to add to become more agile.
The following insights discuss the importance of logistics customer service and how it propels the company forward. A great example of customer service and logistics working hand-in-hand is delivery updates. Nowadays, most ecommerce operations will include an email or short message service (SMS) that updates customers when a product is purchased or delivered. If you’ve opted-in for live updates, you might even receive texts like the one below, telling you that an order has been shipped. Customer service enhances logistics by making the process more transparent and adding further value to the customer experience.
The primary causes of customer dissatisfaction in the logistics customer service sector are depicted in this chart; you can use this information to help you develop a customer satisfaction plan. Customer service is a vital part of the logistics process, and companies must take steps to ensure that their customer service is of the highest possible standard. There are many ways to achieve this, but some of the most important include maintaining good communication with the customer, being responsive to their needs, and delivering on their promises. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your customer service operations with Helplama.
Fortunately, there are actionable tips any shipping manager can follow to ensure that their customers are satisfied with their company. So, without further ado, here are five tips for shippers to improve their customer service in logistics. Customer service in logistics is just as important as any other detail in the shipping industry, and perhaps even more. A client’s view of your services will determine how far your business will go, which is why you should focus on managing customer service properly. Even if your operation is running well, your whole business could go up in smoke if one customer comments that your service is terrible. Great customer service in the freight forwarding industry builds trust and ensures that first-time customers become repeat customers.
With best-in-class fulfillment software and customizable solutions, we provide hassle-free logistics support to companies of all sizes. Customers expect to be able to reach you over email and phone, but many teams are expanding their availability to include options like SMS texting and live website chat. Being present where and when customers want to reach you is critical to a successful customer service strategy. To eliminate this problem, businesses use shared inbox software, like Front, which unifies your communications into a single platform. It can hold all your teams communication, like email, SMS texts, live chat, phone logs, social media, and more. Your team can collaborate on messages directly in the platform, so your inbox becomes a hub for getting work done and a reliable audit trail.
Every touchpoint should be considered when creating a strategy to improve customer service, from the initial contact to the final delivery. The most crucial part of logistics customer service is ensuring that orders are fulfilled on time and as promised. This can be challenging, but it is essential to meeting customer expectations. Assuring quality in logistics operations such as global outsourcing is very challenging due to the multiple layers involved in the supply chain.
For example, if a shipment is delayed, offer a clear update on the new expected delivery time. In extreme cases, compensatory solutions like a discount on future services can help mitigate the situation. Experiencing market instability is quite common in the logistics industry. Imagine a scenario where a shipment gets delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite your best efforts, this might still lead to customer dissatisfaction. It would be best if you began by updating your current systems and ensuring they are ready to support your growth.
In simplistic terms, good customer service implies showing respect and value for the customers, and for their demands, needs, and queries. Greeting the customers by their name creates a more personalized connect and experience. It creates more openness and shows that brand is willing to adapt and make a few adjustments to meet the needs of the customer.
Sales response is determined either by inducing a service level change and monitoring the change in sales. These experiments are easier to implement because the current service level serves as the before data point. Before and after experiments of this type are subject to the same methodological problems as the two points method described earlier. When backlogs in the order cycle occur, it is required to distinguish orders from each other. An individual customer may vary greatly from the company standard, depending on the priority rules, or lack of them, that have been established for processing incoming orders.
🏹A Good Customer Service Boosts the Brand Image
Therefore, a business firm needs to consider collecting raw material, storing, warehousing, delivery which are involved with physically distributing product. For a logistics session, some companies may rely on the third party to facilitate or helping for transportation in order to deliver their products to customer in time and on time. A relation with customers is more important than those with employees of a company in terms of logistics. This means that e-commerce companies have to continuously focus on growing their employees in terms of their skills and knowledge while ensuring that they are up to speed with the upcoming trends and changes. Continually improving customer service representatives will help your business to grow by enhancing customer service. Customer service logistics – As an e-Commerce business owner, you understand the importance of delighting your customers, right?
Meet your customers where they are by providing support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. According to recent statistics, one-fifth of small businesses don’t last a year, and half fail by the fifth year. The reasons for these failures include market value misunderstandings, the inability to scale sustainably, and funding issues. When customers are happy with the way their purchases are delivered, most of these issues are resolved. In logistics, customer satisfaction affects almost every aspect of the business.
Tailor your support to handle specific logistics-related queries effectively. Customer service in logistics refers to the support and assistance provided to your customers throughout the entire logistics process, from the moment they place an order to the delivery of their goods. In the world of e-commerce, excellence in customer service can make the difference between a sale and a lost customer. Today’s customers are savvy and able to reward businesses that offer exceptional service with their loyalty.
If you strive to build long-term relationships with your customers and gain their loyalty, you should consider shifting from a product-oriented strategy to a customer-focused one. Besides building good relationships with customers, other things make customer service essential in logistics. Some examples are getting more time to focus on different aspects of your business, transportation savings, and fast and on-time delivery. Having this approach toward customer service allows for better communication and efficient delivering products. However, in client service, it’s impossible to be perfect, but it is possible to be better and provide your customers with the best service possible. All customers, especially in the logistics industry, want to have a smooth and effortless experience working with a company.
For example, you can send a congratulatory message or a small token of appreciation on a customer’s business anniversary. For instance, if one of your customers frequently ships fragile items, suggest additional padding or insurance options. You can schedule a follow-up call or email to check if the resolution met the customer’s expectations. For example, it is a good practice to respond to negative online reviews politely and professionally, expressing a willingness to resolve the issues. To perform this job successfully, an individual should have knowledge of Database software, Internet software, Order processing systems, and Microsoft software.
Whether they have questions about their orders, need updates on delivery status, or require assistance with any issues that may arise, customer service is there to address their concerns and provide timely solutions. It’s about going the extra mile to meet your customers’ expectations and build strong relationships based on trust and reliability. Logistics planners must understand all logistics services offered by the firm so that they can articulate the benefits to the customer. If articulate properly, customer service could add significant value to create demand for the products and improve customer loyalty. Customer service starts with order entry of the product from the inventory to the transport of the final product to the desired destination. Well-organized customer service logistics focuses on providing technical support as well as required equipment service maintenance.
It is time to maximize profitability with a more streamlined customer experience – FreightWaves
It is time to maximize profitability with a more streamlined customer experience.
Posted: Thu, 02 Nov 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]
However, if you’re lacking in this area, you may end up losing valuable income as your customer’s shop for a better experience. How many times have you used a company only to get terrible service that makes you regret your decision?. But great customer service can be the determining factor in whether someone is a customer for life or not. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Businesses need to look out for the customers’ satisfaction when they are making deliveries.
Customers don’t want to hear from several members on your team and they dont need to see your teams discussion and setbacks along the route to a solution. Customers just want to feel confident that your business can give them a solution. We create and maintain business by establishing partnerships with trustworthy and quality enterprises. If we weren’t great to work with, then we’d have no consistency and far less business, he said.
- It involves managing the entire customer journey, from order placement to delivery and beyond, while addressing any issues or concerns that may arise along the way.
- By monitoring the overall time period of game playing, extensive data is obtained to generate a sales-service curve.
- In simplistic terms, good customer service implies showing respect and value for the customers, and for their demands, needs, and queries.
- Some examples of automated customer service in logistics include real-time order tracking and automated shipping/ETA/delivery notifications.
- First, set logistics customer service at a high level for a particular product and observing the sales that can be achieved.
If not possible, then targeted meetings of separate teams are also of great benefit. In the ever evolving Logistics industry, new experiences and new learning opportunities arise every day. The trick is in incorporating these new learning opportunities into a training and learning model. It’s not just about moving goods from point A to point B; it’s about creating a seamless and satisfying experience for your customers. For example, a firm with a customer-facing technological application should provide partners with a track-and-trace platform that can follow your freight.
HUCAPADJ is a service business that offers haircuts for various reasons and occasions. It is a barbershop that has been active for the past 4 years and earns an estimated amount of Php 400,000.00 per month. The business intends to purchase or develop Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and develop and implement a customer service training program.
Imagine you have ordered for your child a stereo for Christmas over the internet. The package is supposed to arrive on December 22, at your home in plenty of time for wrapping and you are pleasantly pleased with the free shipping offered. The package leaves on time and you are tracking it to your home in anticipation. Now it is Christmas Eve and you do not have your package and your unhappiness is growing with every moment.
In any business, especially in the transportation business, good customer service is a top priority. This is because customer satisfaction helps the business survive and grow simultaneously. Ultimately, a logistics company’s success is directly linked to customer satisfaction, and providing excellent customer service is the key to achieving that goal. In summary, customer service is critical to logistics and supply chain management, as it leads to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business. Effective customer service involves several activities, including order processing, inventory management, transportation, and communication. It requires collaboration between different departments within a company, such as sales, marketing, production, and distribution.
Sessions led by experienced team members in each area of operations, helps to give a fuller overview. It is a critical component of managing supply chain relationships and will give your brand the best chance of consistent delivery success. The importance of customer service in logistics should not be understated. And with this increased visibility, they will be able to provide better customer service and make more impactful suggestions for your operation.
A 3PL’s customer service is essential for effective communication, problem resolution, relationship building, proactive engagement, gaining a competitive advantage, and maintaining a positive brand reputation. A third-party logistics (3PL) provider’s customer service is crucial for many reasons. Too many ecommerce brands seek supply chain partners based on cost savings or a fancy new technology suite. What they may not realize is the long-term costs that add up when customer service takes a back seat. An unsatisfied customer can do more damage to your business than failing to get new clients.
It also helps in diffusing negative emotions the customer might have, creating a more favorable ground for finding a resolution. Active listening is fundamental in understanding the crux of the customer’s issue. It’s about giving the customer your full attention, showing empathy, and ensuring that they feel heard and understood. This approach paves the way for a more accurate and satisfactory resolution of the issue at hand. But let’s suppose you proactively inform the customer about the delay, explain the situation, and assure them of the delivery, possibly with another tentative date. This approach can keep your customers informed, and chances are that they’d even appreciate the fact that you reached out to them and communicated the delay in advance.
Service levels set by competitors and often traditional service levels can affect the customer service and cost relationship. Sensitivity analysis can help aid a logistics operation to determine the factors that constrain the operation. The ideal solution is still the optimum balance between quality and cost; this should be weighed heavily in all analysis of the constraints. It is obvious that low-quality customer service has tremendous side effects in any sort of business. Additionally, a business could lose the loyalty of the valued customers and there are risks of losing the best employees because whenever companies have a customer service problem. The best employees are obliged to fill up the slack for other employees, so they search for better opportunities for their talents.
This metric showcases the business’s ability to maintain long-term relationships with its customers. This provides a quick snapshot of customer satisfaction at a given point in time. Being transparent about pricing, services, and terms creates a clear understanding for your customers. It also sets the right expectations, which is fundamental for building trust. Encouraging customers to provide feedback creates an open channel of communication. They require real-time tracking to monitor the transit of their household belongings.
However, it is possible to always be better and provide the customers with the best services possible. Customers desire a smooth and easy experience when working with a company. It is up to the company to enrich the customer experience by providing a good and worthwhile customer service in logistics. Make your business visible with analytics you share with others in your supply chain. Modern suppliers stay updated with real-time data about supply levels and client demand. One of the keys to improving customer service in logistics is to invest in a customer relationship management (CRM) software platform.
Hence the entire interaction of customer service depends upon the customer care representative. Naturally, an unhappy customer care representative will not provide a good customer service. No employee appreciates feeling overlooked or contrasted with representatives on different groups and same holds true for client assistance groups.
Publicado em Artificial intelligence
Sejam bem-vindos ao perfil de Guimarães!
Aqui você ficará por dentro dos destaques da nossa cultura, turismo, administração, educação, saúde, assistência social, infraestrutura e muito mais. Orgulhamo-nos de ser uma terra com 266 anos de história. Temos também uma riqueza cultural gigantesca, belezas naturais incomparáveis e, principalmente, um povo aguerrido e hospitaleiro.
Atualmente, nossa cidade está sob a administração do prefeito Osvaldo Gomes, um gestor incansável que tem buscado cada vez mais desenvolvimento para sua gente.
Prefeitura de Guimarães, eu amo, eu cuido!